Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Does Awareness Really Do?

Let's talk about cancer awareness and how it effects us. It's a little like the 'squeaky wheel' analogy. The more people hear about a problem, the more attention the problem gets. The more attention it gets, the more people want to fix it. When more people want to fix something, they will put a huge amount of time and money into fixing it. More time and money put towards fixing a problem will produce multiple solutions to that problem. And it's those solutions that become our treatment options when we are faced with a difficult diagnosis.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? That's why It's All About Awareness is focused on ovarian cancer (OC) this month. September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month - the more attention we give to OC, the more chances we will have to battle this disease!

Awareness and research - that's what it takes to make the advances we need! Take a look at these links for some recent advances - also check out the posting below for what you need to know about OC.

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